Responsabilidad de los locales

Responsabilizar a los dueños de propiedades por las condiciones inseguras en sus instalaciones
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Abogado de responsabilidad de locales en la ciudad, estado

What Is Premises Liability?

Los propietarios tienen la responsabilidad de reparar las condiciones inseguras en sus instalaciones que podrían causar lesiones a sus invitados y clientes. Ya sea una lesión por resbalón y caída causada por un piso mojado en un restaurante o una obra de arte mal anclada que cae encima de un huésped del hotel mientras duerme, los propietarios son responsables de compensar a las víctimas por sus lesiones.

El principio legal de que los propietarios tienen el deber de cuidar a sus huéspedes respalda su responsabilidad de solucionar cualquier situación insegura en su propiedad. Obtenga más información comunicándose con nuestra oficina legal de lesiones personales.

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¿Qué tipo de situaciones califican como responsabilidad de las instalaciones?

Any hazard that a property owner does not fix in a reasonable amount of time could make an owner liable for injuries to their guests. Insufficient lighting, walkway obstructions, ripped carpets or mats, loose stairs or handrails, improperly working elevators, and uneven stair risers all should be repaired before a property owner invites guests in. Slippery floors, too, can cause accidents. However, if the property owner isn’t aware of the situation that caused the fall, like when a customer breaks a bottle of soda and fails to notify a worker, the owner might not be held liable. That’s why it’s essential that you see a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after the accident to learn what options you have. To learn more about whether your situation qualifies as premises liability, get in touch with one of our personal injury specialists today.

¿Qué debo hacer si tengo un accidente en la propiedad de otra persona?

The first thing you need to do is to seek medical attention. Be sure to keep all records that relate to your injury. If you are able, go back to the scene of the accident and take photos that show the conditions that led to your injury. If you can’t, ask a trusted person to do that for you. If your injury occurred at a business or another organization’s property, fill out a written report but make sure you keep a copy. Be sure to contact an attorney that specializes in premises liability to have the best chance of getting fair compensation for your injuries. We can help. Contact one of our experienced premises liability attorneys today.

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